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Acupuncture in Pregnancy

Acupuncture can be really valuable in pregnancy both in dealing with pregnancy-related conditions such as nausea and back pain, but also in preparing for birth, and for postnatal conditions. At this time medication is often undesirable, acupuncture can offer an extremely safe and effective alternative treatment which is also relaxing and calming. Its lack of side effects is one of its greatest strengths. Prebirth acupuncture can improve the prospects of efficient labour and acupressure during labour is particularly useful as it can be easily taught to your birth partner.


Justine has post-graduate training in Obstetric Acupuncture and continues to update and develop her skills.


For more information on the benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy please contact Justine directly.





Initial Consultation: 1.5 hours - £55.00

Follow-Up Consultations: 1 hour - £45.00




“I cannot thank you enough for all the acupuncture during my pregnancy. You made me feel so much better which in turn had a profound effect on my family.”

S Thornley

“Our beautiful baby daughter arrived weighing 8lb 12oz. Thanks again for all your help.”

B Dorwood

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