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The Menopause

Holistic and Complementary medicine support for Women during the Peri-menopause, and Post-menopause phase of life.


Finding a Balanced approach.


In the English dictionary the Menopause is simply defined as  - the ceasing of menstruation.


If only it was that simple.


There is currently quite a lot of debate over how women should manage their menopausal symptoms with a global interest in complimentary and alternative medicine rising, due to consumer awareness and controversies surrounding HRT.


However one size does not fit all, and never will.


Every women’s experience will be unique and the symptoms experienced can vary during this new chapter in a women’s life.


Common symptoms are:


Problems with sleep such as night sweats and insomnia. 

Hot flushes during the day that effect work and home life.

Heart palpitations, anxiety, depression, and irritability. 

Vaginal dryness, urinary issues and a lack of libido.


HRT can help with many of the above symptoms and can be supplemented with complementary medicine, however not every woman needs or wants to have hormone therapy and may wish to only use alternative therapies.


More importantly at midlife, women need to evaluate their lifestyle choices. 


Smokers have a much higher incidence of hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms, as do heavy drinkers (those who ingest more than seven units of alcohol per week.) 


Stress is also a big factor and seems to increase menopause symptoms; especially hot flushes and night sweats, anxiety/palpitations, low energy and mood disorders.


For women who exercise regularly, far fewer hot flushes are experienced than those who are sedentary and exercise is also the best way to manage weight, maintain bone density and decrease stress levels.


 With many women entering the menopause still working and perhaps looking after grandchildren, life is often just as busy before.


 Trying to “do it all” at midlife has its physical consequences.


So to conclude: 


The menopause is a time of transition, full of challenges and opportunities for growth. It is not a “disease” but a natural phase in a women's life.

Sometimes a woman's symptoms may be significant enough to need help for a period of time and each woman’s menopause journey will be different with their choices and needs requiring individualised attention. 


Menopause support package - Available in person or online.


This includes


Initial consultation - 90 minutes

Discussion of health history, diet, exercise, lifestyle choices and Menopause issues.


Second consultation - 90 minutes.

Food diary analysis.

Recommendations on diet, exercise, life style choices, supplements and Complementary therapies.


Total £195 - Includes digital copies of advice and recommendations.


Ongoing consultations £55 per session.




A website dedicated to helping women through the menopause.


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